Wednesday 27 April 2011

This is Morogoro Town

Morogoro town lies at the base of the Uluguru Mountains in the southern highlands of Tanzania. The locals speak swahili which is lovely to listen to and quite easy to pick up and  greeting tanzanians in their own language means an awful lot to them despite how bad it may sound. They are very humble and accomodating people and always make you feel welcome. My daughter attended the In ternational school here for two weeks, as her school in England had different easter holidays to my son's school. So she flew out with my husband two weeks before us and she has spent a month here in Morogoro. It has been a wonderful experience for her and she has enjoyed every minute of her time here in Africa. The way of life here is very slow and there is very little to do. The house chores are taken care of as a house maid is employed, escari's are employed to watch the house night and day and garden staff look after the outside of the house, so basically you could become very lazy. We have had a very relaxing two weeks and we fly back to England on Saturday, but we will be back here in the summer.

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