Thursday 21 April 2011

Rob Ryan at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park


Rob Ryan is an artist who's work requires extreme accuracy, skill and precission.  He is famed for his detailed hand cutting of delicate papers into intricate patterns. I visited The Yorkshire Sculpture Park in November 2009 to see the Rob Ryan exhibition, where he had transformed the visitor center with his imaginative paper cuts and screen prints.  He had decorated the four meter shop window with a huge paper cut panel, which was quite impressive, when you appreciate how much work must have gone into something so extreme. The exhibition also consisted of several framed one off papercuts and limited edition screen prints. I trully aspire to Rob Ryan as an artist, he produces beautiful intricate pieces of art.
I made a book last year which was based on paper cutting in various styles, the theme for the book was my two children, so the project involved taking lots of photos of them both, then cutting stencils and sillouettes from the pictures. It was a project I throughly enjoyed doing, influenced  by the work of Rob Ryan.
This year we also had the chance to draw with a scalpel in our Drawing Enquiry project. Our subject was a skeleton, which without any under drawing we had to cut out of an A1 piece of paper, it was very challenging for me as I am used to drawing out in pencil first, however I proved to myself that any thing is possible it just means you have to concentrate a little bit harder.


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