Wednesday 30 March 2011

Zara Wood at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park

                                                 The Lady of the Seas

Whilst the clan at college went galavanting round the sights of London, on their educational week away I took myself round the local sights, to see what our yorkshire museums and galleries had to offer. I started at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park, because I had read that artist Zara Wood was exhibiting her work there and it was the last couple of weeks for the exhibition.  I knew who Zara Wood was as I had come across her work whilst researching for my visual investigation project and I had liked the work I had already seen, so it was a great opportunity to see her work first hand.
Her distinctive work is defined by the cute little characters she has created, which in most of her work stand completely alone, with no background, which is what makes them so attractive as a piece of art. As well as making pictures she also makes beautiful pieces of jewellery, cameo's, pendants and broaches, some of which are one off's with no copies made. I loved every bit of her exhibition and I am trully inspired by her work. I think it's her style of illustration, which is very femanine and delicate that attracts me and the materials she uses for her pictures really works. She actually has a shop in Brighton, I wish it was in Leeds and I did find out she is planning to bring a book out soon. She is definitely an artist I will be using as a reference in my influence file for future works.

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