Tuesday 15 March 2011

Choosing the right pictures for my paintings wasn't easy, I spent practically a whole day in Rounday Park with the kids last year, acting like David Bailey with my proper zoom-in digital SLR.  The kids were as accommodating as they could be I suppose, considering they were hating every minute of being together and were having to pose as if they genuinely liked each other.  In fact inbetween the tears, the fights and the shouting I was quite lucky to get such a  large collection together.
The picture of Lou and Freya was perfect for a portrait and the composition of the the two of them together was definitely worth painting.  The other two with Freya looking almost angelic and Lou looking very composed also seemed to be the ideal choice.
The baby is my nephew Haydn, which I painted for his christening last year.  Ideally, I would like to continue with this type of portraiture, I have tried to research other artists who may do something similar but I haven't found many.  Most create the image they want on photoshop and print it off, very few actually paint the image they have created.  I have used acrylic paints, but it would be interesting to pick up other painting techniques or ideas from artists who paint in a similar style.

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